Access Denied: Inequities in Access to Oncology Care Among Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples experience startling differences in cancer outcomes that appear to be partly related to inequitable access to oncology care. This presentation by Dr. Tara Horrill highlights some specific challenges to accessing oncology care, and discuss the role of nurses in addressing inequitable access. Dr. Tara Horrill is an Assistant Professor in the College of […]

Creating Space for Community Engagement with End-of-life Issues Through Intergenerational Arts Activities: Findings from Sweden

Max Kleijberg, PhD, is a designer and postdoctoral researcher at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Max will present his doctoral research on Studio DöBra, a participatory, community-based project in Sweden involving children (9 y/o) and older adults (most 80+) in arts activities about dying, death, and loss. Developed and studied in collaboration with academic and […]

Using digital story-telling to capture untold stories of Medical Assistance in Dying

The purpose of this research was to deepen our understanding of the experiences of family and informal support networks (friends) that accompanied someone throughout their dying process involving MAiD in the province of Ontario. Using a social constructivist perspective to better understand the experiences of those who have been impacted by MAiD, digital stories were […]

Powerful, transformative voices: Creative arts methods promote Indigenous end-of-life experiences

Producing stories about Indigenous peoples’ end-of-life cultural needs and preferences by Indigenous peoples, for Indigenous peoples, is an empowering and transformative research approach. Tess describes how the Te Ārai Palliative Care and End of Life Research Group collaborates with Indigenous families using Kaupapa Māori Research (KMR) methods and creative arts methods, to empower them to […]

Resource Guide Launch: “Palliative Care Is… A collective response to death, dying, and grief”


The ePAC Action Team, consisting of inner city workers, researchers, and palliative care practitioners,  has been working together for over five years to improve access to quality care for people facing serious illness and the life-limiting conditions of homelessness, poverty, racism, criminalization, and stigma in Victoria, BC (Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ territories). Now the group is […]

Employment and family caregiving in palliative care


Join Dr. Clare Gardiner in a talk exploring some of the financial impacts of end of life caregiving, in particular focusing on employment and the challenges of providing informal care to someone approaching the end of life whilst remaining in paid work. The role of government policy and employment legislation will also be considered, reflecting […]

CRC Talks: Autonomy, the Internet, and End-of-Life


Join us for Dr. Kelli Stajduhar's CRC Talks October 11, 2023 at 1:30-2:30pm PST! We are hosting Shaun Peter Qureshi, MD who will discuss: Autonomy, the Internet, and End-of-Life: How people facing death and bereavement resist the medicalisation of dying and grief through online forums. Shaun Peter Qureshi, MD Shaun Peter Qureshi MBChB, MD, MRCP(UK), […]

Kelli Stajduhar named visiting Hood Fellow by the Te Ārai Research Group

Professor Kelli Stajduhar has been named as a 2024 Hood Fellow by the University of Auckland. Nominated by the Te Ārai Research Group, she will visit New Zealand next autumn. While there, she will give a public lecture at the university open to the public, hold seminars with School of Nursing staff and liaise with […]

CRC Talks: Peer advisors promote cancer prevention and early detection – Experiences from Sweden


Join us for Dr. Kelli Stajduhar's CRC Talks November 22, 12-1pm PST! We are hosting Max Kleijberg, PhD who will discuss: Peer advisors promote cancer prevention and early detection -- Experiences from Sweden. Max Klijberg, PhD Max Klijberg, PhD is a designer and postdoctoral researcher at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. His research takes a […]

Zining! As an Arts-Based Research Method


Join us for Dr. Kelli Stajduhar's CRC Talks January 25, 2024 1:30-2:30pm PST! We are hosting Piotr Burek and Alexandra Stewart who will discuss: Zining! as an Arts-Based Research Method. As part of an ongoing Participatory Action Research project conducted by Dr. Kelli Stajduhar through the Integrating Palliative Approaches to Care in the Inner-City study […]

Home care nurses work: What is coordinating the work of nurses in home care?


Join us for Dr. Kelli Stajduhar's CRC Talks May 21, 2024, 9:30-10:30 PDT! We are hosting Tanya Sanders RN PhD who will discuss her research on home care nurses work. Description: The need for home care is growing, but little is known about the day-to-day nursing tasks and the institutional factors that impact this work. […]